31 Days to Build a Better Blog: Foretelling the Future

Day 21, and I'm supposed to breathe new life into an old post.
Um, who has time for that when secret tunnels are just waiting to be discovered?
The End. :)
Okay, for all those who are disappointed in this post, I give you permission to declare it a post-in-future-need-of-rebreathing. Then someday, should I truly find myself with nothing better to do, I know right where I can start my CPR efforts.
LL's Day 1: Bambi in the Database, Day 2: The Dalai Lama Effect, Day 3: Darren Rowse, Please Link to Me, Day 4: Oprah, I Wanna Be Like You, Day 5: Email a Blog Reader, Day 6: Shakespeare and Company's Top 24 Blog Tips, Day 7: How Do I Love Thee, Let Me Link the Ways, Day 8: Entertaining Aliens, Day 9: Meet Me at the Mother Ship, Day 10: My Dog Ate Darren Rowse's Google Alerts, Day 11: Hey, Darren, It's My Turn, Day 12: Darren Gets on the Scale,, Day 13: I Will Not Be Swayed by Sales on Boxer Shorts, Day 14: Update a Key Page, Day 15: Honk if You Like, I Prefer Cake, Day 16: Buy a Velvet Couch, Day 17: Pretend Your Blog is a Barbie, Day 18: Gesundheit! Day 19: Maureen, Hope You Don't Mind, Day 20: Leave Comments on Other Blogs
ProBlogger's Day 21: Breathe Life into an Old Post
Paul's 31 Days to Build a Better Blog Project
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Red Cross Blog photo by L.L. Barkat.
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