Infographics Drive Traffic (Or Make You Laugh)

Infographics are the new thing, did you know that? Because they drive traffic. And sometimes, like the one above, they will even make you laugh.
Labels: funny infographics, Infographics, poetry humor
creativity • social media • life management • other cool stuff • L.L. Barkat
Labels: funny infographics, Infographics, poetry humor
Labels: higher education is in question, Kids in Business, making your kids successful, Michael Ellsberg, teaching kids about the internet, The Education of Millionaires
Labels: business, entrepreneurship, Kids in Business
Labels: business, entrepreneurship, home education, Kids in Business
Labels: 1001 Ways to Improve Your Personal Finances, life management, personal finance
Labels: 1001 Ways to Improve Your Personal Finances, duct tape, home remedies, personal finance
Labels: business, entrepreneurship, finance, personal finance
Labels: allergy-fighting tea, are violets edible, best tea steepers, forlife tea, homemade tea, how to make tea, tea-time
Labels: allergy-fighting tea, best tea pots, best tea steepers, homemade tea, how to make tea, is forsythia edible
Labels: business, leadership qualities, Love is the Killer App, Tim Sanders
Labels: Goodreads, goodreads for students, home education
Labels: business, Get Rich Click, make money by being an affiliate, Marc Ostrofsky
Labels: home education
Labels: business, entrepreneurship, leadership qualities
Labels: creativity, leadership qualities
Labels: home education, teaching poetry, teaching writing
Labels: home education, teaching writing
Labels: creativity, teaching writing, writing
Labels: distance-learning, home education,
Labels: Claire Burge, Jane Friedman, Johanna Harness, klout, social media, Twitter
Labels: creativity, home education, Steve Jobs
Labels: Jane Friedman, Rumors of Water, social media, Twitter
Labels: home education, teaching writing
Labels: home education, life management, writer's block
Labels: guess
Labels: calligraphy, home education, writing