
French on Fridays

Girl at Piano in Paris

Bonjour. And welcome to French on Fridays (I understand that today is Thursday, but I wanted to give you a chance to get ready for tomorrow, this being the first time and all.)

Anyhow, French on Fridays is my way of trying to make sure I do a French post every week (or almost every week, except when I get lazy, busy, or forgetful). And if you like croissants, Paris, French movies, or even Edith Piaf, you are welcome to join me and leave your link below. I don't know how much French we'll learn. But we could have fun. And Cassandra might even share a few gateaux (cake) recipes if we're lucky.

Honestly, I have no idea where this is going to go. But by now you know that is a very "me" thing. Cast something to the sky and see where it drifts.

Today I am going to do something very simple and offer a poem-ish thing. I know that French can be very intimidating, but I hope that's not how this goes. I hope you feel free to look at your counter, find an empty wrapper and maybe write something about it using a single French word somewhere in your vignette or poem. Really, the sky's the limit.


Jamais means 'never'
and only the French could bring
such softness to a word I would
prefer to close my eyes to as
I lounge upon my chaise. Oh, heck
you don't know French...


Want to participate but don't know French? Type any English word here and get a translation into French. If you feel comfortable doing so, you could link back here in your post. That way we have a meeting place.

Sonia at the Piano at Shakespeare & Co., Paris, photo by L.L. Barkat.

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Anonymous Ann Kroeker said...

C'est tres interessant lire ton idee, "French on Fridays." Je me demande si je peux melanger "Food on Fridays" avec "French on Fridays"? J'ai une idee...je propose crepes:


7:04 PM  
Anonymous Ann Kroeker said...

I might have some details wrong with the French there, but thought I'd give it a try.

Funny coincidence: I made crepes this very morning!

7:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

French Fries?

7:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should know I just copied and pasted the French in my poem from that translation tool you posted. ;)

10:18 PM  
Blogger Maureen said...

One town to the next
it was always the same:
we'd relinquish a passporte
and write out our names.

We played touriste by day,
and learned how to say
fromage, pain, vino, ou est...
mais non, l'enfant terrible
chapeau et l'addition, s'il vous plait!

We laughed every time
at just how sublime
chambre avec douche
could be,

it was just sis and me,
such bonne chance surely
a semaine a Paris.

10:49 PM  

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