Wordless Wednesday: Herbs

herbs in a jar of water, ready to put in my produce drawer, ready to last about two and a half weeks...
Labels: food, kitchen tips
creativity • social media • life management • other cool stuff • L.L. Barkat
Labels: food, kitchen tips
posted by L.L. Barkat at 9:47 PM
— Amish Proverb
I wish I could grow herbs..Sounds healthy
Excellent - it's as green as my photo :-)
WOW, are you getting herbs already? You must live in a warmer climate than we do.
Have a wonderful Wednesday and if you have time, please stop by My Photo Blog.
Amy... I bought these at the grocery store. If I put them in a jar of water and stick them in the produce drawer, they stay lush and healthy like this for quite a while.
Green is looking mighty good right now!
Beautiful! I can almost smell them...
I love the smell of fresh herbs. No luck with seeds though, I have to buy plants.
We from time to buy them ready as well. But, to have them last longer, we split up the plants and put them into several pots. Amazing results.
Great picture and WW entry
Thanks for the tip, they look so healthy in your photo. Every time I tried to grow herbs, they died.
Marcia... I can't grow herbs either. Well, except mint, rosemary, and sage. These seem to flourish despite the most ignorant of gardeners!
I just said to my husband this evening that the best money we spent last week was on that bunch of cilantro we used at least four times. I made your curried chickpeas for dinner tonight - a yummy new addition to the menu!! Thanks!
(I'm loving the food facet of this blog!)
Dorothy... how marvelous that you got full use out of your cilantro. If you store it in a jar of water like this, it'll last for quite some time.
And I'm glad you liked the chickpeas. And I'm glad you wrote to tell me so. It inspired me to go ahead and get another recipe up!
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