Wordless Wednesday: Desert

Desert, by Sara Barkat, age 9. Using found objects.
Labels: children's art, desert, surreal, used objects art
creativity • social media • life management • other cool stuff • L.L. Barkat
Labels: children's art, desert, surreal, used objects art
posted by L.L. Barkat at 7:16 AM
— Amish Proverb
Please share the story. Very interesting picture.
Lovely vision, yes please. The story! D :)
What a great pic to share!
Great picture for a 9-year-old.
Hmmmmm, not sure why my name showed up twice????
Any way, it looks like you have a budding artist! Great job. Thanks for visiting me.
Wow! My 9 year old and your 9 year old could make wonderful pictures together!
Bummer it's wordless -- I would love to hear the story behind the picture.
What a great picture!! Very creative.
My daughter says this is the world under the waves. No other story than that... I guess it's up to ya'll to come up with something intriguing!
She's actually pretty good. Children don't often use all the negative space in a picture and hers seems to be all unified. Not bad for a 9 year old!
She has talent. A future artist in the making.
That is fantastic for a 9 year old! I see a budding artist.
Thank you for stopping by.
Sara did a great job drawing a desert. I love how she drew the woman's shadow.
Thanks for stopping by and have a great Wednesday.
Beautiful drawing! Very talented young lady!
Happy WW!
You say a 9 year old did that? Wow, it's fantastic. :)
great idea for a WW> nice pic
A budding artist indeed. That is a great picture. Great job!
Such a treat to see a picture drawn by a nine year old, especially such an interesting one.
SOrry I didn't leave a comment earlier . . don't knwo what happend. This picture is very interesting . . . using found objects eh? Hmmm I'm with tanlace . . . what is the rest of the story?
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