Wordless Wednesday: Heaven in My Own Backyard

But you, O LORD, are...my glory, and the one who lifts up my head. Psalm 3:3
After today, I'll be on vacation until next week. Hope to see you on Friday.
Looking Up photo, taken at my outdoors "secret spot." L.L. Barkat.
Labels: contentment, creation, nature, restoration, secret spot
That's a GREAT picture.
What a fun photo! I'm not sure I'd have been able to keep my balance....LOL
Holly's Corner
Great picture and terrific piece of Scripture to go along with it!
thats beautiful..i love nature photos
Beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
Lovely photo. Have a great time during your Vacation
GREAT picture...and scripture. Love your secret place.
Beautifully stated!!! Love the photo and your captions!!!
Today my W W blog is celebrating our kitty's 5th Gotcha Day (adoption) I explain the photos in the 1st comment entry
how blessed you are to have some green:)
Very pretty! Happy WW! :)
Great picture and prespective!
Almost got dizzy when I saw it :)
Happy WW :)
What a wonderful view point! Thanks! D :)
Happy vacation!
I love all your backyard stuff and I so miss my own. I used to be lucky enough to have a beautiful garden in NYC surrounded by community gardens with a ROOSTER! That was until the cursed gentrification of alphabet city. even the rooster had to move back to Puerto Rico. Anyway, I love lookin at your green and I also left you a message with regard to your comment on my blog. I'll repeat here:
Tango is everywhere in NYC! check NYTango or call NYC Tango Hotline 212 726 1111 for details and daily events.
Have a great vacation, L.L.! I love the picture--especially the curve in the trunk right at the middle. My eye goes right to it.
Palabras, palabras hermosas: saber usarlos es un regalo.
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