Penning a Story

I had to share this whimsical little story with you. Sara wrote it while experimenting with calligraphy.
Here's the beginning...
The Story of the Little Ink Pen's Journey
My, oh my. Look, Paper! This is how I write.
Once upon a scratchy time a little pen said, "let me go to the great inkwell to find ink for us so we will not run out."
And the others said, "You can do this, but you will not come out alive!"
And the little ink pen said, "But I will go nonetheless. And I will bring us back so much ink we could become all fuzzy in our words and still not run out."
So he set out on a far and dangerous journey...
[to finish the story, click to view the large-sized image]
Story and calligraphy by Sara B. Used with permission.
Labels: calligraphy, home education, writing