Wordless Wednesday: Eating Violets

When eating violets, avoid the yellow ones, which are not edible.
The new, tender leaves of blue or white violets make a lovely salad, though. Just add olive oil, salt and pepper, lemon juice, and confectionary sugar.
This recipe was approved by a ten- and a seven-year old, who both tried to sneak more violets out of the bowl before daddy came home to get his share.
About violets... high in iron, calcium, and anti-oxidants.
Violet Salad photo, by L.L. Barkat.
Labels: food, raw food, wild edibles
wow, it's kid approved? I'm going to try that sometime :)
Sounds great! I'll definatly have to give it a try!
What a colorful photo...
Im inviting all WWers and anyone else to join the scavenger hunt we started today on my blog. We are having a a great time and we have over 80 people playing!! and we have some cool prizes! It just started so there is plenty of time to sign up. Hope you will join us!!!
Sounds wonderful .Pretty picture. Happy WW. Thanks for the tips and sharing.
Angel Mama ( Pearls of Wisdom)
beautiful and thanks for the tip!
I usually just toss some violets into a regular salad. They grow like weeds in my yard.
Rats, you had to tell me what they were, lol. Because they LOOK de-lish, but violets? Shows you how much I (don't) know about greens!
I had no idea you could eat these. Learn something new everyday. Happy WW ♥
I've eaten nasturtium flowers but never violets
Will be trying this really soon and will let you now how it goes. Violets are a plague in our front garden- good to know they are tasty! Hooray!
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