
Thanksgiving: Out-Take

Sukkah ceiling leaves

Right now, I have a Thanksgiving article up at Christianity Today. And I wanted to share an out-take from the piece. It was a small section on how we might incorporate the Jewish harvest festivals of Passover, Shavuot and Sukkot into our modern Thanksgiving celebrations.

And though the section didn't make it into the article, it's going to make it into the Barkat day. We already know who's going to wave the lulav. A basket is being made ready, as are our voices to recite the Psalms. Here's what the article originally said...

To round out our celebrations, we might decide to incorporate some meaningful symbols: honey cakes and milk, flat loaves and fat loaves, an evergreen branch to wave through the air, a basket into which we put fruit with a silent recognition of both a joy and a sorrow we bring to the day. (Last year, I tried some Sukkot ideas at Christmas and the other day my youngest daughter was fondly remembering the symbols and the ceremony). Along with this, we might read the Hallel, that group of Psalms traditionally recited at festivals; interspersed throughout the meal, this could be a special way to acknowledge and invite God into the celebration...

Judging by my little daughter’s avid memory of Sukkot last Christmas, such ritual is recommended.

For more thoughts on Thanksgiving in general and for a peek into others' traditions, check out the Seedlings Thanksgiving Celebration.

Sukkot sign

Sukkah ceiling

Doll's Sukkah

Doll's Sukkah by Sara. Full size Sukkah from natural materials, by Kids 'n Mind homeschool group. Photos by L.L. Barkat.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love that first photo. So intriguing. It looks almost like an intentional collage or something a child would make.

5:23 PM  

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