A Fun Harry Potter Knock-Off

"What are you reading?" he asked our girls. "Harry Trotter and the School for Young Lizards"?
They thought this was hilarious. (I am convinced that an up-side to home education is the preservation of humor concerning one's parents' silly jokes.)
It didn't take long before the joke became serious funny business. The girls have been brainstorming, writing, drawing... a full-metal Harry Potter knock-off series. ("It's not a knock-off, Mommy," says my 14-year-old. "It's a pastiche.")
A what?
Another advantage to home education is that parents can get daily vocabulary-correction services from their children. However, I did suggest that perhaps "pastiche" might be too formal sounding, to describe what we now have in our possession: a Harry Potter graphic parody, complete with fire-breathing... lizards.
I don't know how far this parody writing will go; that's the unpredictable side of our home education— creativity is never forced, so sometimes the really good ideas die on the (round) table.
But for now, the girls have lizards on the brain. And they are avidly researching the physical structure and habits of lizards, chameleons, and salamanders.
Apparently, some lizards eat bagels. At least they do in this Harry Potter knock-off. Um, pastiche. :)
The Young Lizard Knighthood School Transportation System. Conceived by Sonia, 11. Rendered by Sara, 14. Used with permission (and a smile :).
Labels: children's art, children's writing, Harry Potter spin-off, Harry Trotter series