French on Fridays: Make Me Laugh

Do you have something you want to learn? Try having fun with it.
Harary and Weintraub, authors of Right Brain Learning In 30 Days have a cool idea about the function of humor in learning. They say...
It is our opinion...that there is a kind of humor barrier that must be traversed before learning can become truly instinctive and intuitive on every level.... It is almost as though it is okay to learn, once it becomes okay to laugh.
The authors then suggest finding cartoons that relate to your field of study. Or making up silly sayings. Or bantering with fellow learners.
In this spirit, here's one of my new favorite funny French songs, Foux du FaFa. Like Jeanne Damoff says, anyone who took high school French will totally appreciate it. If you didn't take high school French, no worries. It's still good for a chuckle.
Foux du FaFa Lyrics
Scrabble photo by L.L. Barkat.
Want to participate in French on Fridays, but don't know French? Type any English word here and get a translation into French. Include your word in a poem or vignette. Or just write about anything French (music, history, art, food). We're flexible. If you feel comfortable doing so, link back here in your post. That way we have a meeting place.
Labels: French on Fridays, how to learn French, learning techniques